About Legal Aid in Connecticut

CTLawHelp.org was created by several nonprofit legal services organizations whose shared mission is to improve the lives of Connecticut’s poorest citizens by providing free legal services to people with low income. This website, funded by the Connecticut Bar Foundation and the Legal Services Corporation, seeks to further the goal of equal access to justice by providing information and self-help materials on legal issues affecting people with low income.

How to Get Assistance: Generally, you should contact Statewide Legal Services first to find out if they qualify for services. The following people should call the legal services office closest to them:

For more information on which legal services program covers your area:
Map of general legal services in Connecticut
Map of elder law services in Connecticut

The legal services system includes the following programs:

Statewide Legal Services
Statewide Legal Services (SLS)  is available by phone to clients throughout Connecticut. Generally SLS is the entry point for accessing legal assistance. SLS may provide advice over the phone, mail information, or refer clients to a legal services office or private attorney at no cost to the client. Call 1-800-453-3320 (toll free) or 860-344-0380 (central CT).

Connecticut Legal Services (CLS) provides legal representation to low-income persons throughout the state, except those living in the greater Hartford or New Haven areas.

Greater Hartford Legal Aid (GHLA) provides legal representation to low-income persons who live in the greater Hartford area.

New Haven Legal Assistance Association (NHLAA) provides legal representation to low-income persons in the greater New Haven and lower Naugatuck Valley areas.